Friday 14 February 2014

Social media a.k.a Hello world!

Social media are all around us. People in my age grew up surrounded by them. I personally, use them every day for longer that I should admit. My only excuse is, that I live far away from home and Skype is the only way, how to contact my family. I can Skype with my mum for at least 5 hours per day and we do not even have to talk. I go to the kitchen to cook, or I do my school work, or I just watch a movie. My mum is in work, so she has her own stuff to do. We are used to not to live together, I moved out many years ago, but I like to feel that I am close to her and that is what Skype allows me to do. Then it is Facebook. I am not a big fan of Facebook, because I still believe that my private life is just mine and I do not feel the need to share every my step with my 160 friends. Well, friends. I travel a lot and I used to live in many countries, so Facebook allows me to stay in touch with them, see how they are doing, what is new in their life, without me talking to them every day. I mostly use it for making parties or getting an invitations for them, stalking, or checking on my school page. 

I made my Twitter account couple of months ago. I still do not understand how and why to use it, but I follow Ellen DeGeneres and she is funny, so that makes up for everything I guess. 

Blogging is my next step to get deeper into the social media world. This blog is mainly going to be about film scene in Glasgow, because I currently live here and study, and I need this for my school.
So thank you for reading and welcome! 

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