Tuesday 4 March 2014

And here it is. . . Oscars

                 It has been a week plus one day and Internet is still full of it. Ellen, selfie, pizza, Leonardo not winning (again) ... There is nothing new I can add about that perfect and the funniest night I have experienced in a long time. Although that time difference was killing, show started in Glasgow at 1:30 AM and finished at 4 AM, which can be handled on a Friday's or Saturday's night, unfortunately though, the show was on Sunday.

Ellen. I have mentioned before that I am her huge fan. But she was even better than I expected. It was her second time to host Oscars, and she nailed it. She crashed the Twitter with her selfie idea!
Although we all know that it was a great commercial move more than anything else, but I believe that she is the only person who could pulled it off in such an enormous way. Now let's all go buy the new Samsung phone !

We all can argue about winners, some of us can agree, some disagree. Well, nothing will change if you will complain about Leo not winning an Oscar months and months after the Award night. It made everyone sad, he is an amazing actor, but everything has its own timing I guess. All the nominees are great actors/actresses. All of them would deserve to win. But there has to be just one on the top. It works like that. And Matthew McConaughey was brilliant in Dallas Buyers Club.

The only winner I would disagree with is... 12 years a slave. Enough of this finally! Great movie, great idea. But as Ellen said: There are two possibilities. 'First, 12 years of slave will win the best Picture. Second, that you are all racists.' Let's just all hope that it was all well deserved and not just the guilt for something in the past.

Hope you will have an amazing time!

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