Saturday 22 March 2014

Ah well, Mufasa died...

Ok, maybe, just maybe I was bit more optimistic about dubbed movies, and that the sad parts did not actually happen in the original version. So I spent the whole night rewatching all the Disney movies, under the blanket, with my favourite animal. Stuffed Maximus from the movie Tangled.

And maybe I ate a bit more ice cream than I should, but let´s not talk about that one.

        So, first of all, movie Tarzan. I found out that Jane has got proper British accent and after she taught Tarzan how to speak English, his accent was...American!? Wait, what? This probably puzzles more people, although, then again, looking for a logic in cartoon movies is not probably the best idea.

       Brave. A Scottish princess who dreams of following her own path and living her own life. Great movie. Her voice was Kelly Macdonald, born in Glasgow and her mother was Emma Thompson. This movie made Americans visit Scotland in a big, huge goups, since it came out in 2012. And I needed subtitles. Awesome.

      Scrooge McDuck!!

 The most famous uncle is Glaswegian. The richest duck in the world, rather stingy and greedy, but still honest and fair.

        Many people do not realise that the Pirates of the Carribean are actually a Disney movie. So when I decided to have this marathon, I could not wait to rewatch this thrilogy. Well, there is forth one as well, but I have no idea how it is called in English, if there are four movies...Anyway, Davy Jones.

Has very strong Scottish accent. His voice is actually Bill Nighty, who is English, so he did a great job there.

 Ok, that´s it for now, I will write part 2 another time.

Have fun S.

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