Friday 11 April 2014

Goodbye world..

Ah well, all the good things must come to an end, and this one is for me. It was fun to spit all my random thoughts here. I was trying to keep all the posts about Scotland, because I live here and I cherish Scottish people, I have never met such a friendly nation. I think that it is important to learn and understand the culture of the counry you choose to live in. It helps to make you feel like you are home. That is why I left The United States, try to find some culture there... Anyway, as I said in my first blog, it was my first try to connect with this kind of Social media, and it wasn´t bad at all.
Although I study Media and Communication, traveling is my real passion, so if I will choose to continue in talking random sh..stuff here, it will be about all my journeys.

Until then, thank you. S.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Is there another way how to say Part Two? This one is boring...

Blogs need an attention. Every time when I am writing a blog I do a lot of research first. And then I write just two lines. It is a bit frustrating, let´s be honest. Plus I have to be funny. Which I usually am, but it is more like spontaneous humor, so this scripted one doesn´t really fit me. I actually just wanted to say, that this is the Part Two about Scottish actors, and this time will will travel a bit further in the past.

John Laurie was born in 1897, in Dumfries. A profilic Shakespeanear actor, but also known as a soldier in BBC sitcom Dad´s Army.

Alan Cumming, appeared in numerous films, TV shows, plays and musicals. He has double US-Scottish citizenship, but he was born in Scotland. He acted in many Shakespeare´s playes. He also has a line of perfumed products labelled "Cumming". Enough said.

Duncan Macrae was born in Glasgow. He was one of the leading Scottish actors of his generation. One of his final film appearence was movie Casino Royale.

So what do this actors have in common? All of them were also a Disney actors of course!

Saturday 29 March 2014

Scottish actors?

Scottish actors are surprisingly very popular lately. It is not that I think, that they are not talented, but then again, I grew up surrounded with dubbed movies, so I always thought that all the actors are Americans. How could I. I have been discovering so many new voices and actors lately, that I have to share with you the most surprising ones.

Anyone Game of Thrones fan? Richard Madden, born in Scotland is one of the main characters in this popular TV serie since 2011. Fun fact is, he is going to play Prince Charming in upcoming movie Cinderella in 2015!! Yay!

Ewan McGregor, or Obi-Wan Kenobi, whichever you prefer. Born in Perth. Although he is married and has 4 kids, I still believe that one day he will realise that I am his one and only, true love. Ehm, I might have a small, tiny crush on him.

Cutie pie James McAvoy is in his early thirties, but still looks like a teenager. James was born in Glasgow and slowly became the world wide famous actor, who can handle every role.

Sir Sean Connery would deserve a special blog. If someone tells me that there was better Bond than him, I start to strongly dislike that person and we can never ever be friends. Ever. Sir Sean Connery was born in Edinburgh and that is one of the reasons why I want to live there as well. Too many older gentlemen live there, so, is it the best place in the world? Yes.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Part two..Or why I haven´t slept for last two days...

Rewatching movies can be exhausting!!
So let´s just jump right into it.

     Pocahontas. Whilst John Smith was English, his two crewmembers on the ship were Scottish. Ben and Lon. Ben was surprisingly voiced by Scottish comedian Billy Connolly!! One would think that he would go for a bigger character in the movie.

    Lady and the Tramp is my favourite movie, because I am obsessed with dogs. Jock, the Scottish terrier was voiced by Bill Thompson and currently it is Jeff Bennett. One intersting fact: Jock appeared in One Hundrend and One Dalmatians as well.  

      The last one are Gargoyles. Although it is an American animated TV series, it is about nocturnal creatures that turn to stone during the day, and the clan lives in the castle in medieval Scotland.
Voice actors like Jeff Bennett, Keith David, and many more are unfortunately Americans, which ruins a serie a little bit.
Not worth to watch, if you are older than 15.

Saturday 22 March 2014

Ah well, Mufasa died...

Ok, maybe, just maybe I was bit more optimistic about dubbed movies, and that the sad parts did not actually happen in the original version. So I spent the whole night rewatching all the Disney movies, under the blanket, with my favourite animal. Stuffed Maximus from the movie Tangled.

And maybe I ate a bit more ice cream than I should, but let´s not talk about that one.

        So, first of all, movie Tarzan. I found out that Jane has got proper British accent and after she taught Tarzan how to speak English, his accent was...American!? Wait, what? This probably puzzles more people, although, then again, looking for a logic in cartoon movies is not probably the best idea.

       Brave. A Scottish princess who dreams of following her own path and living her own life. Great movie. Her voice was Kelly Macdonald, born in Glasgow and her mother was Emma Thompson. This movie made Americans visit Scotland in a big, huge goups, since it came out in 2012. And I needed subtitles. Awesome.

      Scrooge McDuck!!

 The most famous uncle is Glaswegian. The richest duck in the world, rather stingy and greedy, but still honest and fair.

        Many people do not realise that the Pirates of the Carribean are actually a Disney movie. So when I decided to have this marathon, I could not wait to rewatch this thrilogy. Well, there is forth one as well, but I have no idea how it is called in English, if there are four movies...Anyway, Davy Jones.

Has very strong Scottish accent. His voice is actually Bill Nighty, who is English, so he did a great job there.

 Ok, that´s it for now, I will write part 2 another time.

Have fun S.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Shrek has Scottish accent...?

OH MY GOD, I know! It has been 13 years and I just found out. Well probably because all the movies in Slovakia are dubbed and I never watched it in English.
So when I 'accidentally' turned on the movie couple of days ago, you can imagine my surprise after the favourite character of my childhood came with the first 'AYE'.
Mike Myers, as I thought was born in Canada. So after the sleepless night I opened Wikipedia (great website by the way, how could our parents finish school without it, that is my 8th Wonder of the World), and found out about his English and Scottish ancestors. What was even more surprising was the fact, that the Scottish accent was his idea! I was kind of worried that I will not understand him, because, although I live here, I still struggle, but that happened maybe two or three times during the whole movie.

   That made me think about all the movies from my childhood I watched dubbed and now, in my adulthood I am missing out on some important things, like, what if in Lion King, Mufasa actually did not die and it happened just in Slovak version? Or Mulan did not actually save China, but Japan? My life lost its purpose until I will watch all the Disney movies again this weekend. I am very, very curious, what was actually happening there.

Until the next time... S.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Lego movie...ew

Everyone was waiting for it. Warner Bros. pictures and Village Roadshow Pictures came with the first ever, full length theatrical Lego adventure. Directed by Christopher Miller (21 Jump  Street) and it stars Chris Pratt, Will Ferell, Liam Neeson, Morgan Freeman and many more. Great Director and amazing actors promised amazing movie. What could possibly go wrong?

Well, first of all, all the funny moments which lightened up the movie a bit, were shown in the trailer.
It is the story, where Emmet, an ordinary, rules-following, one of many Lego figures, escapes by accident from perfect Lego world and now he has to save it. He needs to stop an evil tyrant from destroying everything he knows.
He meets a lot of new friends on his journey, he falls in love, and he goes thought the whole personal change. At the end we have an extraordinary hero, who does not follow rules any more and learns how to live a happy life. Cliché.
But, after I took a 15 minutes nap in the cinema, Batman appeared on screen! All the overused jokes about him, and all in one movie. Well I do not want to be all critical though. Morgan Freeman, although just his voice, will always make my day, and will always help any movie not to be unbelievably boring. I could just close my eyes and hear his voice, those were the moments when I did not regret spending the money to watch this movie.

And probably because I hate myself, I bought the Lego game based on the movie! Yay!
Kill me now.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

And here it is. . . Oscars

                 It has been a week plus one day and Internet is still full of it. Ellen, selfie, pizza, Leonardo not winning (again) ... There is nothing new I can add about that perfect and the funniest night I have experienced in a long time. Although that time difference was killing, show started in Glasgow at 1:30 AM and finished at 4 AM, which can be handled on a Friday's or Saturday's night, unfortunately though, the show was on Sunday.

Ellen. I have mentioned before that I am her huge fan. But she was even better than I expected. It was her second time to host Oscars, and she nailed it. She crashed the Twitter with her selfie idea!
Although we all know that it was a great commercial move more than anything else, but I believe that she is the only person who could pulled it off in such an enormous way. Now let's all go buy the new Samsung phone !

We all can argue about winners, some of us can agree, some disagree. Well, nothing will change if you will complain about Leo not winning an Oscar months and months after the Award night. It made everyone sad, he is an amazing actor, but everything has its own timing I guess. All the nominees are great actors/actresses. All of them would deserve to win. But there has to be just one on the top. It works like that. And Matthew McConaughey was brilliant in Dallas Buyers Club.

The only winner I would disagree with is... 12 years a slave. Enough of this finally! Great movie, great idea. But as Ellen said: There are two possibilities. 'First, 12 years of slave will win the best Picture. Second, that you are all racists.' Let's just all hope that it was all well deserved and not just the guilt for something in the past.

Hope you will have an amazing time!

Thursday 20 February 2014

Film festival? In Glasgow? You either go to Cannes, or Cannes comes to you.

Hello there!

That time of the year is back again. Film festival in Glasgow. It runs from 20 February - 2 March 2014 with a packed programme! 10 days full of new experimental movies, documentaries, even old movies as Ratatouille, to have an option to enjoy them again and fall for sentimental atmosphere.
Tickets are surprisingly very affordable, so when you live in Glasgow, you have no excuse for missing out on this event.
If you struggle with money though, what, let's be honest, happens very often when you are a student, there are couple of free events as well, just remember, there is not always enough tickets, so you will need to come earlier.

 I went to see one of the free events on Friday 21.2., called Close Up on Casting, where Kathleen Crawford was talking about castings and how people become famous. Very interesting, very informative, and if you are planning career in film industry, you could gain real insight into one of the most important aspects of the film making process.

Everyone will find their personal favourite. I can guarantee it. From speaking about writing video games to watching war documentaries, all of you guys will find something worth to watch.

So do not hesitate, if you are in the area, come and tag along!

Friday 14 February 2014

Social media a.k.a Hello world!

Social media are all around us. People in my age grew up surrounded by them. I personally, use them every day for longer that I should admit. My only excuse is, that I live far away from home and Skype is the only way, how to contact my family. I can Skype with my mum for at least 5 hours per day and we do not even have to talk. I go to the kitchen to cook, or I do my school work, or I just watch a movie. My mum is in work, so she has her own stuff to do. We are used to not to live together, I moved out many years ago, but I like to feel that I am close to her and that is what Skype allows me to do. Then it is Facebook. I am not a big fan of Facebook, because I still believe that my private life is just mine and I do not feel the need to share every my step with my 160 friends. Well, friends. I travel a lot and I used to live in many countries, so Facebook allows me to stay in touch with them, see how they are doing, what is new in their life, without me talking to them every day. I mostly use it for making parties or getting an invitations for them, stalking, or checking on my school page. 

I made my Twitter account couple of months ago. I still do not understand how and why to use it, but I follow Ellen DeGeneres and she is funny, so that makes up for everything I guess. 

Blogging is my next step to get deeper into the social media world. This blog is mainly going to be about film scene in Glasgow, because I currently live here and study, and I need this for my school.
So thank you for reading and welcome!